Musings on The Mountain

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

One Month

One month, 31 days, approximately 744 hours. That doesn’t sound like such a long time. Does it? How is that in the space of one month you have turned my life completely upside down? No, maybe you’ve turned it right side up. Or rather, maybe you are helping me, to turn it right side up.

Regardless, I am so glad that I met you. I am glad that I followed my desires, that I threw myself out there and just kept repeating live in the moment, live in the moment, live in the moment. I went for it and you gave me a chance.

You are an amazing person. I love being able to count you as a friend. You enrich the lives of everyone that you touch. But, you offered me so much more. Thank you for taking this journey with me, this beautiful ride. Thank you for your kindness, patience and desire, your questioning and challenging, the complete and total acceptance. Thank you for allowing me to be where I am, who I am and giving me the space to try to figure it out.

You have offered me a tremendous gift. I don’t think it is even intentional, but when I am with you, Sweetheart, I feel completely confident, beautiful and unashamed. I have never experienced that before. I am not sure I will again in the future, but for today, for this time, I am going to soak up every moment of it.

I hope that I have something to offer you as well. I hope that I am good to you and for you. I want you to see in yourself what I see in you. You are an amazing woman and I am so lucky to have this time with you.


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